Alison Byrnes

About Alison

Federal Member for Cunningham, I am passionate about making sure our community, economy and environment have a strong future and I want to make sure our community’s voice is heard in the Federal Parliament.

Learn more about her inspirations to participate in Raising the Bar's Kokoda Trek for 2024 below.

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Alison's inspirations

Who is someone that inspires you?

I am so privileged in my job to meet people who inspire me every day. There are so many people who do amazing work in our community.

Why do you want to complete the Kokoda Trek?

I have watched Lachie and his team build Barstool Brothers and Raising the Bar. Their trek to Kokoda last year was inspiring and I can't wait to see the documentary! I want to see firsthand what our diggers had to endure in order to protect our country.

What do you hope to get out of completing the trek?

I hope to test my physical and mental endurance in completing the trek. I really enjoy exercise like walking and hiking, and am looking forward to testing my fitness in a new challenging environment whilst learning more about our heroic Australian veterans sacrifices on the Kokoda Trail during World War Two.